10 important things to do before 2023

10 important things to do before 2023

It is only a few days to 2023, and this year becomes history. There have been goodies as well as challenges in 2022, but next year can be better off with proper things to do.

The remaining days in 2022 can be used to make next year a better one. Here are 10 things you can do before 2023.

1. Create time for self-care

It is pertinent that you take care of yourself for the next year. And it has to start now. You have probably worked tirelessly this year to make money without properly caring for your health and personal development. You can use the remaining days to do that.

2. Write a gratitude list

Another thing is to carry a heart of gratitude to next year. There is no doubt that you had some happy moments in your life in 2022. You have to be grateful to God and life for that. Take time to list all things you are thankful for. It won’t only bring happiness, but it will also leave you with a sense of hope for the New Year.

3. Create a list of all achievements this year

There are certain things you’ve achieved this year; create a list of them. They might look infinitesimal to you, but they are worth your pride. You made efforts to register these feats, so enumerate them and see how good 2022 has been for you. With a list of your success in your hands, you can confidently work into 2023 to achieve more.

4. Declutter at least one area of your home

Your busy schedule or lackadaisical behaviour might have caused you to some things unattended in 2022. There may be some old stuff to be discarded; you can thrash them in the remaining days of this year. Another important thing is that things to declutter might not be physical objects. Some habits and ideas have piled up in your life without adding any productivity or positivity to you. It is time you dispose of them. This will give you a fresh breath into 2023.

5. Get your finances in order.

You have to get your finances in good shape as you tidy up the year. You must take stock of your income and expenses. Also, take note of your debt profile. This will help you strategise how to balance your finances in the coming year. You will sit down and think of how to multiply your income and offset your debts in 2023.

6. Start thinking about your goals for next year.

It is also very important to list your goals for 2023. This will help you work on how to achieve them. Don’t forget that written goals are more easily achieved than vague one hanging somewhere in your thought. Make a list of next year’s goals and itemise ways to achieve them.

7. Chose the word of the Year

It might look like a farce, but choosing a word of the year to guide your thinking in the coming year works magic. Most religious bodies use this for their members to channel their thoughts and actions toward achieving great goals. This can be referred to as a ‘watchword’ or ‘motto’, which serves as a reminder of how you should live your new year.

 8. Take time to dream about the life you want

Take a few hours every day in the remaining days to visualise your dream. When you envision your dream, your heart will always be there, making you work towards it. When you dream of becoming great, greatness will be the most important thing you think about.

9. Create action plans for your goals

As you go into the New Year with new goals and dreams, map out strategies to achieve them. You can’t boast of results without effort. Make efforts. Don’t be idle. Get advice. Read books. Watch movies. Work hard. Pray! Do all things that can help you achieve your plans.

10. Identify things to dispose

There are issues and things to let go of before 2023. You have to ease them out. Sit down, look at things that aren’t beneficial to you any longer, and release them. Your old clothes, shoes, and other materials that are of less value to you should walk out of your possession. Some people need them, look for them and let them have them. There are people you need to let go of, do just that. Then, there are anger, bitterness, malice, and negative energy to dispose of, use the