Breaking News: Dr. Wilbroad Slaa Released on Bail

Breaking News: Dr. Wilbroad Slaa Released on Bail

Recent updates suggest that Dr Wilbroad Slaa was released on bail earlier this afternoon at the Oysterbay Police Station in Dar es Salaam after meeting the set criteria. Dr Slaa’s lawyer also confirmed that his client was transported from Mbeya to Dar es Salaam to face charges.

Dr Slaa was arrested a few days ago on allegations of treason. The news of his release comes within 24 hours of a group of lawyers representing him and three others filing a case against the Attorney General, the Chief of Police, the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Regional Police Commander of Mbeya, and the Officer in Charge of the Central Police Station in Mbeya for unlawfully detaining their clients contrary to legal procedures.

Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.