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Na Isaya Madego, safarini Marekani. Jana na usiku wa kuamkia leo Mange Kimambi amechapisha maandiko mawili ya kumtukana Rais Samia Suluhu. Wako waliomsifia kwenye sehemu ya maoni ya maandiko hayo wengi wakitumia majina ya kificho lakini wako wengi waliomkemea kwa kukosa staha. Wengine wamekwenda mbali zaidi na kusema huenda Mange amenunuliwa na wabaya wa Rais...

TAKUKURU exposes corruption in government projects.

TAKUKURU exposes corruption in government projects.

TAKUKURU, in executing its anti-corruption mandate, monitored public resources in 1800 development projects worth 7.7 trillion to detect indicators of corruption and misappropriation of public resources and ensure adherence to the bill of quantity estimates. Projects monitored included the construction of the Dodoma ring road, development projects implemented through the force account method in Arusha...

Moody’s Report: Tanzania’s sovereign rating surges to B1, signaling stability and growth.

Moody’s Report: Tanzania’s sovereign rating surges to B1, signaling stability and growth.

Tanzania’s remarkable economic trajectory has propelled it to the forefront of East Africa’s financial landscape. With Moody’s recent sovereign credit rating upgrade to B1, Tanzania surpasses regional counterparts. This leap places Tanzania ahead of Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda, signalling a significant milestone in its economic journey. Moody’s decision to elevate Tanzania’s credit rating underscores the...

Is East Africa ready for federation? Unveiling public sentiment and readiness.

Is East Africa ready for federation? Unveiling public sentiment and readiness.

On March 14, 2024, the official website of the State House of the United Republic of Tanzania, through its online platform X, released images depicting President Samia Suluhu Hassan in talks with President William Ruto of Kenya and President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda at the Tunguu State House in Zanzibar. The accompanying captions indicated that...

Shinyanga: Mama auwa Mtoto Wake na Kumla Nyama.

Shinyanga: Mama auwa Mtoto Wake na Kumla Nyama.

Mwanamke mmoja anayefahamika kwa jina la Nyasorod Paul, anadaiwa kumuua mtoto wake Nazaeri Kidia, mwenye umri wa mwaka mmoja na miezi saba na kisha kumla nyama. Akizungumza na waandishi wa habari Kamanda wa Polisi Mkoa wa Shinyanga, SACP Janeth Magomi, amesema mwanamke huyo mkulima mkazi wa Shinyanga, aliondoka nyumbani Januari 4, 2024 Akiwa na mtoto...

Dkt. Mwigulu unveils six bold targets for 2024/25 Budget, marking a visionary step forward.

Dkt. Mwigulu unveils six bold targets for 2024/25 Budget, marking a visionary step forward.

Finance Minister Dr. Mwigulu Nchemba yesterday, on March 11, 2024, presented the budget framework for the year 2024/25 to the Members of Parliament in Dodoma. During his presentation, Minister Mwigulu outlined six priorities of the government in the upcoming budget, set to commence implementation in July 2024. In the proposed fiscal year, the government suggests...

Tanzania’s power cuts set to drop by 85% as Nyerere dam goes online.

Tanzania’s power cuts set to drop by 85% as Nyerere dam goes online.

In a significant stride towards resolving Tanzania’s longstanding power supply issues, the Julius Nyerere Hydropower Project (JNHPP) was inaugurated yesterday, marking a pivotal moment in the country’s energy landscape. With an initial injection of 235 megawatts into the national grid, and an additional 235 MW slated for March, the project promises to alleviate the nation’s...

Honoring History: President Samia Suluhu’s crucial attendance at Hage Geingob’s funeral.

Honoring History: President Samia Suluhu’s crucial attendance at Hage Geingob’s funeral.

A small debate has erupted on social media following the appearance of President Samia Suluhu at the funeral of former Namibian President Hage Geingob, who passed away on February 4th this year. The debate stems from recent observations that President Samia has undertaken several foreign trips. Within just two weeks, she travelled to the Vatican...

Uchambuzi wa Kitaalam: Maandamano yanaibomoa CHADEMA kuliko kuijenga.

Uchambuzi wa Kitaalam: Maandamano yanaibomoa CHADEMA kuliko kuijenga.

Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo ni (CHADEMA), ni chama kikuu cha upinzani nchini Tanzania chenye makao makuu yake jijini Dar es Salaam wilaya ya Kinondoni. Kwa miaka mingi chama hicho kimekuwa kikifanya harakati mbalimbali zenye lengo la kuibua makosa mbalimbali yanayofanywa na chama tawala CCM, harakati hizo wanafanya kwa kuuza sera zao kwa Watanzaia kupita...