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Nini Kinaendelea CHADEMA?

Nini Kinaendelea CHADEMA?

Dhana iliyozungumziwa kwa muda mrefu kwamba FREEMAN MBOWE Kalambishwa asali sasa ni dhahiri baada ya Mr. Mbowe kuanza kusambaza kiasi kikubwa cha fedha kwenye chaguzi tofauti tofauti nchi nzima ndani ya chama chake cha Chadema, kwa malengo ya kupanga safu yake ya 2025. Kilichotokea kwenye uchaguzi wa kanda ya Nyasa imeshtua wengi hasa wajumbe waliopiga...

Falsafa ya 4R yampatia Rais Samia shahada nyingine ya udaktari.

Falsafa ya 4R yampatia Rais Samia shahada nyingine ya udaktari.

Baada ya India, chuo kingine kikuu kikubwa cha Uturuki chamtunuku Rais Samia shahada ya udaktari. Aprili 18, 2024 Mwandishi Wetu Zanzibar Huku wakiwa wameshika bango lenye kauli mbiu maarufu ya “Songa na Samia,” vijana wanaopiga mbizi kwa sarakasi kwenye eneo la Forodhani la Zanzibar, wametoa video yao mpya kuchambua falsafa ya 4R ya Rais Samia...



Na Isaya Madego, safarini Marekani. Jana na usiku wa kuamkia leo Mange Kimambi amechapisha maandiko mawili ya kumtukana Rais Samia Suluhu. Wako waliomsifia kwenye sehemu ya maoni ya maandiko hayo wengi wakitumia majina ya kificho lakini wako wengi waliomkemea kwa kukosa staha. Wengine wamekwenda mbali zaidi na kusema huenda Mange amenunuliwa na wabaya wa Rais...

TAKUKURU exposes corruption in government projects.

TAKUKURU exposes corruption in government projects.

TAKUKURU, in executing its anti-corruption mandate, monitored public resources in 1800 development projects worth 7.7 trillion to detect indicators of corruption and misappropriation of public resources and ensure adherence to the bill of quantity estimates. Projects monitored included the construction of the Dodoma ring road, development projects implemented through the force account method in Arusha...

Study: Tanzania’s opposition, preaching democracy, practicing Autocracy.

Study: Tanzania’s opposition, preaching democracy, practicing Autocracy.

A recent study commissioned by the University of Dodoma has shed light on the glaring lack of internal democracy within Tanzania’s opposition parties. Published last month, the study revealed a disheartening trend of stage-managed party elections, often designed to perpetuate the incumbent’s power. This phenomenon becomes particularly pronounced in parties where clear succession paths are...

Tanzania and Rwanda to open new border point.

Tanzania and Rwanda to open new border point.

Tanzania and Rwanda are moving to open a new border post as th two countries deepen trade ties at a time when trade and political forces pull region partners in different directions. The new post will be opened in Kyerwa district in the Kagera Region to provide a second passage for people and goods and...

Moody’s Report: Tanzania’s sovereign rating surges to B1, signaling stability and growth.

Moody’s Report: Tanzania’s sovereign rating surges to B1, signaling stability and growth.

Tanzania’s remarkable economic trajectory has propelled it to the forefront of East Africa’s financial landscape. With Moody’s recent sovereign credit rating upgrade to B1, Tanzania surpasses regional counterparts. This leap places Tanzania ahead of Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda, signalling a significant milestone in its economic journey. Moody’s decision to elevate Tanzania’s credit rating underscores the...

Is East Africa ready for federation? Unveiling public sentiment and readiness.

Is East Africa ready for federation? Unveiling public sentiment and readiness.

On March 14, 2024, the official website of the State House of the United Republic of Tanzania, through its online platform X, released images depicting President Samia Suluhu Hassan in talks with President William Ruto of Kenya and President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda at the Tunguu State House in Zanzibar. The accompanying captions indicated that...