CCM promise cooperation with CHADEMA

CCM promise cooperation with CHADEMA

A day after the release of CHADEMA chairperson Freeman Mbowe, CCM, through its Secretary of Ideology and Publicity Shaka Hamdu Shaka, stated that Mbowe’s release signals a new beginning in Tanzania politics and people’s solidarity.

Hours after Mbowe declared a freeman, pictures of him chatting with President Samia at the State House in Dar es Salaam immediately circulated online. Mr Mbowe and President Samia stressed unity, solidarity and trust to be essential ingredients for building a better future for Tanzania.

Giving his opinion about Mbowe’s release, Shaka Hamdu Shaka said that CCM upholds democracy and the rule of law, citing the CCM’s 2020-2025 manifesto subsection 118.

“I congratulate Mbowe for his humility and respect to our president. It is good to see he went to thank President Samia and promised cooperation and generous politics” – Said Shaka.

“CCM, we tell Mr Mbowe, we will cooperate with him just President Samia told him yesterday,” – added Shaka