Colombia’s most wanted drug dealer captured

Colombia’s most wanted drug dealer captured

President Iván Duque of Colombia announced ‘Otoniel’s’ capture in a televised video following his arrest on October 23rd after a joint operation by the army, air force and police.

‘Otoniel’ whose real name is Dairo Antonio Úsuga (50) has been on the most wanted list with a total of nearly $6M prize on his whereabouts from Colombia and the US. Colombia offered $800,000 while the US offered $5M

10 years ago, Otoniel’s brother who was the leader of the Gulf Clan was killed by police in a raid making Otoniel the leader of the most powerful criminal organisation in Colombia while the US named it as “heavily armed [and] extremely violent”.

He had escaped to rural safe houses running away from police and using couriers for communication. He was captured in Antioquia province, North-Western Colombia near Colombia-Panama border.

Killing of police officers, recruiting children and sending shipments of cocaine to the US are some of the charges Otoniel is faced with.

One police officer was killed in the operation leading to Otoniel’s capture which involved 500 soldiers and 22 helicopters. One police officer was killed.