Govt inject 5bn/- in several geothermal projects

Govt inject 5bn/- in several geothermal projects

In efforts to diversify the country’s electricity mix to power its own growing economy, the government has set aside 5bn/- to execute geothermal projects, including Kiejo-Mbaka project in  is Mbeya which is expected to generate 200MW by 2025.

Tanzania’s main source of energy is hydropower whereby due to climate change and increased demand, the government has ventured on other sources, including gas, wind and geothermal.

This was revealed by Energy Minister January Makamba when was inspecting Kiejo Mbaka Geothermal project located at Iramba Village in Ntaba Ward of Rungwe District in Mbeya Region, where he insisted that the country is determined to have multiple sources of energy capable of sustaining current and future needs.

Makamba said the government in 2022/23 budget the government has allocated a total 5bn/- to develop geothermal projects and already a machine to excavate a 3km underground road at Kiejo-Mbaka site has been procured.

The Kiejo-Mbaka’s 200MW will be connected to the national grid. The information shows that Tanzania has more 50 places that’s potential to generate 5,000MW geothermal power.