Have you doubting how the poor will contribute to UHI? here’s the government’s solution.

Have you doubting how the poor will contribute to UHI? here’s the government’s solution.

The Minister of Health, Ummy Mwalimu, has stated that due to the uniqueness of Universal Health Insurance for All, the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, has proposed various sources of income to sustain the fund.

These sources include a portion of revenue from taxes on carbonated beverages, alcoholic drinks, cosmetic products, gambling tax, vehicle insurance fees, income from electronic transaction taxes as proposed by the responsible Finance Minister, funds allocated by the Parliament, returns from fund investments, as well as donations and contributions from various stakeholders.

Minister Ummy made this announcement in Dodoma during the presentation of the Universal Health Insurance Bill, which had been stalled in February of this year due to concerns raised by the Parliament about the lack of a sustainable source of funding for the program.