JNHPP: Transformative progress signals economic boost in Tanzania.

JNHPP: Transformative progress signals economic boost in Tanzania.

In a momentous development, key players in Tanzania’s economy are expressing optimism about the imminent operation of the Julius Nyerere Hydroelectric Power Plant (JNHPP). This project is anticipated to become a catalyst for industrial growth and trade promotion in the region.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Energy, Dr. Doto Biteko, recently declared that the iconic electricity project has reached an impressive 94.78% completion. Dr. Biteko assured stakeholders that the JNHPP is scheduled to commence operations next year, sparking positive reactions from economic entities.

One such entity, Akberalis Hardware and Electric Limited, a local manufacturer based in Dar es Salaam, specializes in the production of aluminum ladders and Polypropylene (PP) ropes. The company’s Director and Founder, Mr. Akberalis Jozer, commended the government for effectively overseeing strategic projects and predicted that the JNHPP’s operations would eliminate electricity rationing in the country.

Highlighting the plant’s substantial capacity of generating 2,115 Megawatts (Mw), Mr. Jozer emphasized its potential to revolutionize both domestic and industrial power needs. He asserted that a consistent power supply would empower manufacturers to increase production, thereby creating job opportunities and contributing significantly to the nation’s revenue.

However, concerns were raised about the need for Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO) to strengthen electricity transmission infrastructures, particularly at industrial sites, to prevent avoidable power cuts that could hinder production.

Mr. Medard Wilfred, a Business and Marketing Expert at the Saint Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), praised the government’s commitment to expediting the JNHPP’s completion. He emphasized the crucial role of electricity in driving development across all sectors and envisioned substantial growth in industries, job creation, and technological advancement with sufficient power generation.

As the JNHPP nears completion, Tanzania stands on the brink of a transformative era, driven by a reliable and abundant power supply. The government’s alignment with the ruling CCM Party’s 2020/2025 Election Manifesto, which prioritizes favorable infrastructure development for citizens’ well-being and national progress, is seen as a significant step towards realizing these goals.

With President Samia Suluhu Hassan’s directive to address the country’s electricity challenges within three months, Dr. Biteko expressed hope that the two machines at the JNHPP would contribute to fulfilling this order. Dry tests are expected to be completed by February 19, 2024, with water filling deemed sufficient to initiate energy production. Dr. Biteko affirmed the government’s commitment to transparency, acknowledging the existing power issues and emphasizing the priority of ensuring a dependable energy supply for the public.