Leadership school to whet African leaders

Leadership school to whet African leaders

In the process of building capable leaders, Mwalimu Nyerere Leadership School was inaugurated in Tanzania to start polishing up Southern Africa leaders starting March this year.

The institution was established n honour of Tanzania’s founding father, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, aiming to provide comprehensive training to political party leaders and train youths to be patriots.

So far, there are six African liberation parties whose progress since independence will be evaluated; CCM (Tanzania), Frelimo (Mozambique), MPLA (Angola), ANC (South Africa), Swapo (Namibia) and Zanu-PF (Zimbabwe),

President Samia Suluhu Hassan believes that the historic event will show citizens that liberation parties are still capable of bringing change as well as strengthening ties between the liberation parties.

“Establishment of the school is a strategic one that will address several issues, including strengthening our youth and our people who will work in our political parties and governments,” said President Hassan.

The foundation stone for the school was laid by the late President John Magufuli in July 2018.

The construction of the school was founded by the Communist Party of China (CPC). On Wednesday, Xi Jinping, general secretary of CPC Central Committee, sent a congratulatory letter for the inauguration ceremony of the school in Tanzania.

The construction of the institution cost Tsh 100 billion.