Mabeyo reinstates 854 sacked servicemen to work

Mabeyo reinstates 854 sacked servicemen to work

On May 8, 2021, the Tanzania Chief Defence Force Venance Salvatory Mabeyo announced an immediate halt of 854 SUMA JKT, a Tanzania’s National Defence Service Wing tasked with constructing a new State House in Chamwino Dodoma.

The 854 sacked national service recruits were promised employment after completion of State House construction. Amid construction, they were asked to relocate to take charge on another site other than the new State House; they defied the order and rallied to President’s office in demand for employment before relocating. They were all accused of rebelling and sacked.

Today, March 5 2022, the milliary communication unit released a statement that CDF Mabeyo has forgiven all 854 national service SUMA JKT and directed that they should all be allocated to their respective camps for national building.

In the military’s statement, presented by Lt. Colonel Gaudentius Gervas Ilonda, said the army expresses its heartfelt condolence to the passing of one serviceman out of 854 service men. Thus, only 853 will make it back to their camps.