Makamba begins a 21-days tour across 14 regions to address electricity issues.

Makamba begins a 21-days tour across 14 regions to address electricity issues.

Energy Minister January Makamba will begin a 21-day tour of 14 regions to bring services to the people and explain the ministry’s plans to address the sector’s challenges.

Speaking before the press yesterday, Hon Makamba revealed that he plans to break down the Tsh.500 billion allocated by the government in this 2022/23 financial year to address energy woes and access.

“We will use the tour to sensitize the public on the use of clean energy as the majority of the public use energy which is not friendly to the environment,” – he said.

He added that data shows 22 Tanzanians die yearly from respiratory-related diseases caused by unclean energy, adding that the government has taken initiatives to address the matter.

The regions that the minister will visit in the first phase include Mbeya, Mara, Songwe, Mtwara, Ruvuma, Shinyanga and Mwanza.

On the availability of clean and safe fuel, the minister said the government has developed a plan to establish mini-filling stations to control fuel transportation in vessels that are not recommended.

“People in rural areas buy fuel at a high price because of logistics; therefore, they have developed a way to store fuel which on the other hand is not safe and end causing problems to the engine,” he said.

He said the government, through TANESCO, plans to improve service delivery and access to electricity.

“We have invested in the repair of infrastructure and other related matters to ensure electricity challenges are addressed”, – added Makamba.

TANESCO announced a few weeks ago that it has officially switched on one of its four new machines expected to generate 45 megawatts and address blackouts in the country.

The project involves connecting energy generation machines which gas, which the machines are expected to generate 45 megawatts each.