Nigeria: Several feared dead as a truck ran over pupils

Nigeria: Several feared dead as a truck ran over pupils

A truck driver lost control and ran over a group of more than 10 school children in Lagos, Nigeria claiming lives and leaving others injured.

The incident happened on Tuesday, December 7, 2021, around 2 pm along Ogunusi Road at Grammar School Bus Stop, Lagos State.

The truck driver was later arrested two kilometers from the scene by a mob who did not want to hand him over to the police causing a clash between the mob and the police at the scene.

The mob, burnt down the delivery truck filled with soaps.

It was reported that the pupils were on their way home from school and were trying to cross the road.

The Commissioner of Police in the state, Hakeem Odumosu confirmed the incident to Channels Television via a telephone interview.

However, his statement clashes with that of bystanders. Odumosu said two students died with others injured, while bystanders claimed that over 10 students were killed at the scene.

“I have never witnessed such a terrible scene in my life. I saw about 15 pupils lying lifeless on the floor. The incident occurred around 2 pm,” a motorist told The PUNCH.

“I was also at the bus stop trying to buy doughnuts while the other students were trying to cross the road. Some boys had crossed earlier, so they were on the other side of the road teasing the female students for not being smart enough to cross like them.

“The students gave the truck driver a sign to wait for them to cross, but it didn’t stop and the truck crushed 17 of them to death. The driver did not wait, so other students and adults chased the driver to Ogba, where he was arrested and his truck was burnt,” said a student of Ojodu Grammar School who witnessed the accident.

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