Over 2 million infants born every year in Tanzania, 20,000 have heart diseases, 5000 need surgery, data shows.

Over 2 million infants born every year in Tanzania, 20,000 have heart diseases, 5000 need surgery, data shows.

Over 150 children with heard diseases are currently on the waiting list for surgery at the Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute (JKCIA), with each to cost between Tsh 8m/- and 10m/-. it has been learnt.

The number of call for support from stakeholders to cushion cost burden, according to Prof Janabi, the Executive  Director of the JKCI.

Prof Janabi made the statement yesterday in Dar es Salaam, when giving a picture of the magnitude of the problem of children with heart diseases at an event to launch TPDC Marathon for raising funds to contribute to the costs of operations for children.

The TPDC Marathon, which would be held annually, is hosted by the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation. Prof Janabi noted that the cost for operation is high because the imported devices are also expensive.

Shedding light on the national statistics, he said, out of the two million babies born every year, 20,000 have heart diseases, of which, about 5000 need surgey.