President Samia reshuffles the cabinet

President Samia reshuffles the cabinet

President Samia Suluhu Hassan appointed about 50 people to join the cabinet to take different governmental positions in the Tanzania cabinet.

Speaking on behalf of President Samia Suluhu Hassan, Ambassador Hussein Kattanga mentioned a list of names and positions they are to take.

The changes include reinstating Nape Nnauye to the cabinet as the Minister for Information, Communications, and Information Technology. Nnauye last sat in the cabinet in 2017 as the Minister of Information, Culture, Artists, and Sports between 2015 and 2017.

Ummy Mwalimu was also reinstated to the Ministry of Health, while Dr. Dorothy Gwajima was appointed to the Gender and Community Development ministry.

The president also appointed Innocent Bashungwa as the new Minister of State in the President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government (TAMISEMI), previously under Mwalimu.

Hamad Masauni is now the Minister of Home Affairs as George Simbachawene takes the Constitution and Legal Affairs Ministry.

The president made other changes in the Ministry of Education as she appointed Adolf Mkenda as the Minister of Education, Science, Technology, and Vocational Training.

Joyce Ndalichako to be the new Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office responsible for Labour, Employment, Youth and the Disabled.

Some names of people from the previous cabinet were not present on the list, including William Lukuvi, the former minister of Lands, Housing, and Human Settlement Development. Prof. Kitila Mkumbo, former minister of Industry and Trade. Former minister of Investment Geoffrey Mwambe. Former deputy minister of Works and Transport and Prof. Palamagamba Kabudi, who was Minister of Constitution and Legal Affairs.