Press Release: The Zanzibar’s Police Press Release on Zainab’s tragic night at Warere Hotel.

Press Release: The Zanzibar’s Police Press Release on Zainab’s tragic night at Warere Hotel.

The report was released on April 18, 2022. Zainab arrived at Nungwi Police around 2 am to report the tragic incident she encountered that night, lodging in Room 3 at Warere Hotel. Two male suspects were all arrested for questioning.

The suspects, allegedly for an attempt to rape and steal USD 1,100, belonged to Ms Zainab, denied the allegations, and even Ms Zainab herself could hardly confirm to be any of them; instead of, the only clue she had about the culprit was his body odour and short hair.

After Ms Zainab failed to identify the culprits, she started demanding a compensation of $10k from Warere Hotel Management, something the Police, according to National law, are not allowed to process under their watch, especially at the Police Station.

The Police strenuously tried to educate Ms Zainab on the matter. Per national laws, for her to be paid that amount of $10k, she should file a lawsuit in court, and the Police shall remain to deal with her Primary/main case, i.e. attempted rape.

Zainab fell short to cooperate with the Police. She kept insisting on a $10k payment. The Police had to extend her file to DPP (Director of Public Prosecution) to further investigation, but the evidence Ms Zainab tabled was justified scant for further proceedings.

Following the recent astonishing Zainabs come back across social media, the Zanzibar police are shocked and perplexed why Ms Zainab had to let a year pass by just to come back on social media for all this drama; why now? The Police asked on their statement?

The Police in Zanzibar concluded that Zainab’s allegations were nothing but hoaxes aimed to taint Zanzibar’s tourism reputation and the Zanzibar Police force. The Police said it is committed to protecting visitors’ well-being in Zanzibar and their properties.

The Police then insisted whoever with bad intentions of harming Zanzibar, in a way Zainab did, should be ignored as Zanzibar is always firm and committed to protecting the people, tourists, their properties, and best the best service possible.

Lastly, the Police argue Ms Zainab to go in Zanzibar to help the Police investigate since she’s the primary victim. The Police are ready to fully corporate to find out if her allegations are true.