Prof Shivji reveals the hard truth to hear and bitter pill to swallow amongst scholars

Prof Shivji reveals the hard truth to hear and bitter pill to swallow amongst scholars

The prominent Tanzanian author and academician Prof Issa Shivji has rebuked intellectuals for failing to advise the government constructively as they vie for government appointments.

Prof Issa Shivji made that statement on a TV program broadcasted by ITV during the commemoration of 100 years birthday of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere.

“I’m one of the intellectuals. I can hardly separate myself from others. Years ago, we used critisize by writing and holding debates. Unfortunately, today we don’t have that. There was a time we had intellectuals in the queue waiting for appointments; if so, we will not be able to critisize or speak,” – said Shivji.

Prof Shivji also added that there is available space to speak compared to the last few years when intellectuals were engulfed by fear. Thus, it is high time that scholars speak to help the government tackle various challenges.

The job of intellectuals is to critisize and come up with alternative options to help the government over various challenges. As scholars, we are all obliged to take viable action toward this will promote and encourage development.