Tag: EAC

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ICJ genocide hearing against Israel: Key takeaways.

ICJ genocide hearing against Israel: Key takeaways.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague commenced a two-day hearing on South Africa’s genocide case against Israel over the Gaza war. Amidst the proceedings, Israeli forces continued to bombard the Gaza Strip, resulting in over 100 Palestinian deaths and nearly 200 injuries within 24 hours, as reported by the Gaza Ministry of...

Understanding the EAC and East Africa

Understanding the EAC and East Africa

When one hears of East Africa, there are only a few countries that come to mind, i.e. Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi meanwhile the region comprises many other countries and some mix between East Africa and East African Community (EAC). EAC was established with the aim is to widen and deepen economic, political, social,...