The value of registered investment projects in Tanzania surged by over 142 percent in the third quarter of 2024, reaching $3.9 billion in total capital, according to the Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC). This marks a significant increase from the $1.61 billion registered in the previous quarter, from April to June 2024. TIC Executive Director, Mr...
Tag: East Africa
Wanaompatia Maria Sarungi Hela Kuleta Vurugu Wafahamika.
Tanzania imejulikana kama nchi yenye amani tangu ilipopata uhuru, na haijawahi kukumbwa na machafuko makubwa ya kitaifa. Ingawa kumekuwa na matukio madogo ya machafuko, serikali ya Tanzania imekuwa ikidhibiti kwa mujibu wa sheria ili kuhakikisha amani na usalama vinaendelea kudumu kwa wananchi wake. Licha ya juhudi hizi, kuna changamoto zinazoibuka, ambazo hazizungumzwi sana, ikiwa ni...
Serikali ya Rais Samia Suluhu yazidi kuchochea undelezwaji wa vipaji nchini.
Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, imedhamiria kuchochea ongezeko kubwa la vipaji vya michezo nchini, hususan vya mpira wa miguu. Lengo la Serikali ni kutengeneza vipaji vingi vyenye ubora mkubwa wa kutumika hapa nchini na kwengineko duniani hasa nchi zilizoendelea kisoka barani Afrika na Ulaya. Naibu Waziri wa Utamaduni, Sanaa na Michezo, Mh. Hamis...
Ziara ya Rais wa Guinea-Bissau nchini kunufaisha Tanzania na fursa za uwekezaji.
Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Afrika Mashariki, Balozi William Shelukindo amesema ziara ya siku tatu ya Rais wa Guinea-Bissau Mh. Umaro Sissoco Embalo inatazamiwa kufungua fursa za kiuchumi kwa watanzania kwa soko la Guinea-Bissau. Rais Embalo anatarajiwa kuwasili nchini kesho tarehe 21, Juni 2024 ambapo atapokelewa na Waziri wa...
Silinde: Serikali ya Rais Samia Suluhu imedhamiria kumaliza tatizo la sukari nchini.
Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania imeendelea na dhamira yake ya kuhamasisha uwekezaji nchini, kwa kuongeza kasi ya uwekaji mazingira rafiki katika sekta mbalimbali nchini. Kupitia Kituo cha Uwekezaji nchini (TIC), Serikali imeanza kutafuta muwekezaji kwa ajili ya kilimo cha miwa na kiwanda cha sukari wilayani Kilolo, Iringa. Kufuatia maelekezo ya Serikali, Bodi ya...
President Samia Suluhu’s Commitment to Overcoming the Sugar Crisis.
The rising cost of living is a global issue that can threaten the security of any nation, potentially leading to unrest and loss of peace. Many countries, such as Nigeria, South Africa, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe, have experienced long-term protests and strikes due to escalating living costs. In contrast, Tanzania, from its independence to the current...
Mkataka wa Rais Samia Suluhu kuimarisha utalii nchi wajibu.
Licha ya vivutio vingi duniani kukumbwa na uhaba wa wageni, Tanzania imeendelea kushuhudia ongezeko kubwa la watalii kwenye vivutio vyake mbalimbali nchini. Haya yote yamewezekana kutokana na ubunifu mahiri wa Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mh. Dkt. Samia Suluhu Hassan, ambaye ametenga muda wake binafsi kwa ajili ya kuvitangaza vivutio vya utalii vya...
Billion 55 Paid in Debts to Civil Servants.
Deputy Minister of State, Office of the President for Public Service and Good Governance, Hon. Ridhiwani Kikwete, responded on behalf of the government to a question posed by Hon. Issa Jumanne Mtemvu, Member of Parliament for Kibamba. The question sought information on the current amount of government debts related to leave, transfers, and post-retirement cargo...
DP World starts to quietly transform Dar es Salaam Port.
The Dar es Salaam port is beginning to show early signs of improvement in efficiency, just a few weeks after global ports giant DP World began operating some of the berths at the port. “STS (ship to shore cranes) are now operating for the first time at the Dar es Salaam port after DP World...
Optimizing Tanzania’s Internet Space, Closing the Gap for a Thriving Financing Inclusion and Digital Economy.
As the world thrives in the digital age, Tanzania stands at a pivotal crossroads. The internet has revolutionized economies globally, and the nation has taken crucial steps towards a digital future. Electronic financial services like mobile money have surged in popularity, driving financial inclusion to a remarkable 76%, as revealed by the recent financial service...