Tag: Hiv/AIDS

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3 surprising side effects of using condoms you never knew

3 surprising side effects of using condoms you never knew

Contraceptive methods help to prevent pregnancies. This means using condoms is essentially a means of birth control.  However, while birth control may be the primary purpose, a condom can also benefit the user. One such advantage is protection from sexually transmitted infections or STIs. However, too much of a good thing is bad for you,...

The prevalence of HIV/AIDs in Tanzania

The prevalence of HIV/AIDs in Tanzania

HIV knocked on at the borders of Tanzania, two years after it has been shaking the world, affecting many people in the process. 38 years later, scientists are still searching for ways to create a cure for HIV/AIDS.   Just like other nations, Tanzanians were affected not only by the disease but also the prejudice...