The Arusha Regional High Court has acquitted former Hai Lengai District Commissioner Ole Sabaya and two of his co-accused after discovering flaws in the entire course of the case. Sabaya and his associates appealed against the court’s 30-year sentence in October 2021. The judge hearing the appeal, Ezedekiah Kisanya, said there was confusion in the...
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Sabaya fell ill at the court, the case adjourned
Lengai Ole Sabaya, the former Hai district commissioner who currently face charges of economic sabotage, fell ill at the court and pleaded for rest. The presiding judge, Patrica Kisinda, adjourned the hearing at 7:03 pm when Sabaya took off his mask and said he was not feeling well but asked the court to proceed because...
October 16, 2021October 18, 2021Politics
Appalling events on prominent government leaders globally
A series of dreadful events has unfolded in the past few days directly affecting government leaders of different nations across continents. These events have no relation with each other however, they have all caught the public’s attention. South AfricaMinisters held hostageThree ministers including those in charge of the military were held hostage by military veterans...