Tanzania air space is 100% safe, says TCAA

Tanzania air space is 100% safe, says TCAA

After successfully ending the radar’s supervision time, the contractor has officially handled over two radars out of four to the Tanzania Civil Authority (TCAA).

Mr Kriston Mwala, who is the radar’s project manager and TCAA mechanical engineer, said that Tanzania’s airspace is now 100% safe following a successful installation of four new radars at Julius Nyerere International Aiport, Mwanza International Aiport, Kilimanjaro International Aiport and Songwe Aiport that had its radar installed since 2020 and its supervision time expecting to end in 2023.

The radar installation at the airports, which cost Sh. 67.3 billion, began back in 2017 and ended in 2019 at different months in each airport.

JNIA’s radar supervision time ended in April 2022, KIA ends this July 2022 and Mwanza airport radar expects to end its supervision this September.

Tanzania can now monitor planes entering Tanzania’s space and its neighbouring areas, which is pivotal for national security. Added Mr Mwala.