Tanzania and 6 other nations on U.S red list

Tanzania and 6 other nations on U.S red list

Citizens of the United States have been advised not to visit Tanzania alongside Andorra, Portugal, France, Cyprus, Liechtenstein, and Jordan over COVID-19 related risks.

The U.S Centers for Disease Control (CDC) told their citizens to avoid traveling to Tanzania and where necessary to ensure they are vaccinated before the journey.

“Because of the current situation in Tanzania, even fully vaccinated travelers may be at risk for getting and spreading Covid-19 variants,” CDC says.

The U.S concern comes after a Tanzanian citizen tested positive for the new COVID variant Omicron on Sunday, December 5, 2021, in New Delhi, India

Despite frequent warnings from Tanzania’s Health Ministry, public compliance to Covid-19 prevention measures has remained low, the U.S Embassy said.

It should be noted that about 19 U.S states have detected the omicron variant with over 40 infected people.