Tanzania join hands with USAID to increase agricultural production

Tanzania join hands with USAID to increase agricultural production

Tanzania Ministry of Agriculture to work closely with USAID to improve the agriculture sector through intensive agriculture research and utilize the role of agriculture extension officers.

Minister of Agriculture, Prof. Adolf Mkenda met with Kate Somvongsiri, Mission Director for USAID Tanzania and discussed the ministry’s plan to improve agriculture production and ways for them to work together to reduce challenges facing the agricultural sector.

Among the things to be implemented is doing soil research on various areas for optimal agricultural production in Tanzania and help farmers know the type of crops supported by their soil and maximize production.

Agricultural education is still needed as agriculture is the backbone of Tanzania’s economy and to grow the sector, farmers need to understand different ways to care for various crops, and together the USAID and the Ministry of Agriculture will work together to ensure that agricultural extension officers are able to reach farmers and provide them with necessary education to maximize production.

Prof. Mkenda added that the ministry has already started to give out motorcycles to the officers so that they can reach farmers on time.

Agro financing (loan financed to farmers) was also discussed so that farmers can finance their investment needs in raw materials or auxiliaries.