Tanzania judiciary side to side with the 4IR ICT vision

Tanzania judiciary side to side with the 4IR ICT vision

President Samia Suluhu Hassan has urged the Tanzania judiciary to keep up with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) vision of incorporating Information Communication Technology in their daily activities.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, other activities need to move forward, including the judiciary, prompting virtual courts and meetings adaptation.

President Samia urged the judiciary to re-invest in ICT to help people access the system 24/7.

“An investor facing a challenge at midnight or 2 am should be able to get legal solutions and answers from the judiciary online platforms,” she said.

On another point, Chief Justice (CJ) Prof Ibrahim Juma said that through virtual conferences, courts solved many cases at the peak of Covid-19 without the physical appearance of prosecutors, defendants, and witnesses.

The President called for Ministries of Education, Science and Technology ministries, that of Information, Communications and Information Technology, to ensure students get prerequisite knowledge and skills aligned with technological changes from the grassroots to higher learning institution levels.

The President expressed her satisfaction with the presence of an application that allows the High Court and Court of Appeal to publish their judgments online, adding that efforts should be made to translate the publications to Kiswahili for many to benefit.