Tanzania open doors for Russian investments and tourists

Tanzania open doors for Russian investments and tourists

Tanzania is set to receive more investors and tourists from Russia wishing to explore opportunities and attractions the country is endowed with, Russia’s ambassador to Tanzania Mr Andrey Avetisyan has said. The ambassador has said that bussinessmen from Russia send emails to Tanzania seeking investment opportunities.

According to Russia’s ambassador in Tanzania, Tanzania authorities have been very supportive by proving all the needed information to facilitate Russian investments in Tanzania. The current trade between Tanzania and Russia stand around USD 200 million US dollar which is below its potential.

The ambassador highted that Tanzania should expect the fall of many tourists from Russia in the fall of this year. In the year 2020, Tanzania received more than 85,000 Russian visitors, and the number be surpassed if there is a direct flight between the two countries.

The Russia envoy also mentioned that other areas of cooperation between Tanzania and Russia are cultural exchange as currently Swahili language is being taught is different institutions in Russia.