Tanzania vows to embrace refugees. 

Tanzania vows to embrace refugees. 

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation, Amb. Liberata Mulamula has assured the international community that Tanzania will is committed to embracing the voluntary repatriation of refugees since it heeds to human rights principles and the dignity of the people who are forced to flee their native countries for different reasons. 

Amb. Mulamula issued that statement in Dar es Salaam on Monday evening when she honoured the climax of the World Refugee Day held on June 20. 

“Tanzania keeps the door open for all victims of persecution, and it will continue to be an icon of African generosity to those forced to flee their countries of origin,” said Dr Mulamula. 

According to the minister, as of May this year, Tanzania had hosted 257,800 refugees, mainly from Burundi, Rwanda, DR Congo and Uganda.

According to the minister, to ensure that Tanzania keeps supporting refugees, Tanzania hosts 16 UN agencies in the Kigoma region through the Kigoma Joint Programme to improve the livelihood of the host communities through agriculture, added Amb. Mulamula.