Tanzanian women in high-rank positions

Tanzanian women in high-rank positions

Tanzania got its first female president Samia Suluhu Hassan last year (2021), 59 years since independence. Before that, Samia was the first female vice president of the country. Here is a list of women who have held or are currently holding high-rank positions #taifadaily @suluhusamia

In 2010 Anne Semamba Makinda became the first female Speaker of the National Assembly of Tanzania until 2015. The politician was the last Chairperson between (1993-1994) and the first president of UNICEF in 1994.

Mwami Theresa Ntare is the first female chief. She was the chief of Waha from Heru and, in 1958, became the chairman of the Tanganyika chiefs. She died in 1999 same year as Mwl. Julius Kambarage Nyerere.

Lucy Lameck was a Tanzanian politician and the first female cabinet member as Parliamentary Secretary of Cooperatives and Community Development between 1962 and 1965. She died in 1993.

Tabitha Siwale, in 1975 became the first female minister in Tanzania as the Minister of Housing and Lands.

In 1972, Zawadi Madawili was among the first female officers of the Tanzania People’s Defence Force. She was also the first woman to become a major-general before she retired.

From 2007 until 2012, Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro served as UN Deputy Secretary-General, making her the third UN DSG and the first woman to hold that position.

Dr. Anna Makakala is the first woman to hold the Tanzania Chief General of Immigration position. She was appointed by late President John Magufuli in 2017 and is still serving that position.

Stergomena Tax is Tanzania’s Minister for Defence and National Service from 2021. She became the first woman ever to hold the title.

Yesterday another woman joined the club as President Samia Suluhu Hassan appointed Zuhura Yunus as the Presidential Communications Director. A new history as the post has been held by men previously.