Tanzania’s surge to 2nd place in African tobacco production.

Tanzania’s surge to 2nd place in African tobacco production.

In a recent revelation, Tanzania has clinched the title of the second-largest tobacco producer in Africa for the 2022/2023 season, achieving a momentous milestone for the nation.

Minister for Agriculture Hussein Bashe took to his social media platform to announce this notable feat, shedding light on Tanzania’s impressive surge in tobacco production. Witnessing a substantial growth from a modest 50,000 tonnes, the country has surged to a remarkable 122,858 tonnes during the 2023/2024.

Minister Bashe highlighted the substantial progress in the export sector in a celebratory statement. By December of the preceding year, the export value of Tanzanian tobacco had reached a commendable 316 million USD, with an ambitious target set at 400 million USD.

Anticipating the 2024/2025 season, Minister Bashe expressed confidence in surpassing the 200,000-tonne mark, setting a target of 300,000 tonnes by 2025/26. This ambitious goal positions Tanzania competitively within the dynamic African tobacco production landscape.

Zimbabwe currently holds the lead with a production of 296,000 tonnes, closely followed by Tanzania. Other key players include Malawi (121,000 tonnes), Mozambique (65,800 tonnes), Zambia (44,000 tonnes), and Uganda (13,000 tonnes).

Bashe applauded the collaborative efforts of farmers’ associations and tobacco companies in the country. Notably, for the first time, over 50% of the produced tobacco has been successfully sold abroad, with 100% of these transactions being managed by local companies.

Reflecting on the journey, the minister expressed gratitude to the Tobacco Board workers, emphasizing the collective effort that has propelled Tanzania to this commendable position. With unwavering determination, he declared, “It was no easy feat, but we dreamed, we achieved it, and we are committed to pushing further to become Africa’s leading tobacco producer.” The minister’s words underscore the tenacity and dedication fueling Tanzania’s ascent in the African tobacco production hierarchy.