TBS Awards 145 Certificates to Quality-Conscious Manufacturers in Tanzania.

TBS Awards 145 Certificates to Quality-Conscious Manufacturers in Tanzania.

In a notable development, the Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) has recently granted 145 certificates and licenses to manufacturers who have met the stringent criteria for product quality between June and November this year. This recognition underscores the commitment of these producers to adhering to required standards, facilitating their access to both regional and global markets.

Among the certifications issued, six focused on the quality standards of the management system, while 13 licenses were granted to producers already holding TBS licenses but expanding their product portfolios. Impressively, 60 of these certificates were extended to Small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs), showcasing the diverse reach of quality-driven initiatives.

Addressing the gathering at an event in Dar es Salaam over the weekend, Mr. Lazaro Msasalaga, TBS’s Director of Quality Management, applauded the entrepreneurs for their dedication to meeting essential criteria for obtaining quality marks. He emphasized that these certificates and licenses symbolize the producer’s commitment to maintaining elevated standards and urged them to persist in producing top-notch goods to garner trust from buyers and secure a reliable market.

The Director highlighted the influential role played by the Small Industries Development Organisation (SIDO) in organizing entrepreneurial career classes, paving the way for many producers to attain certification.

The theme for this year’s Quality Standard Day, “Quality, Realize Your Capacity to Compete,” serves as a poignant reminder for producers to prioritize quality production, enabling them to compete effectively in markets. Mr. Msasalaga emphasized that adherence to quality standards not only aligns with legal requirements but also fosters consumer trust and confidence.

However, he issued a stern warning to producers engaging in deceptive practices, urging them to cease producing low-quality items after obtaining certification, as this not only jeopardizes consumer well-being but also exposes them to potential losses if their products are seized by TBS.

Established as part of the government’s efforts to fortify institutional infrastructure for the industry and commerce sectors, TBS plays a crucial role in quality control and standardization across various products, contributing to the overall economic development of Tanzania.