The govt finally decides the fate of Ngorongoro dispute

The govt finally decides the fate of Ngorongoro dispute

As the fate of the Maasai’s living in Ngorongoro remains undecided, the government has vowed to compensate those who will voluntarily leave the park.  

The Prime Minister, Hon Kassim Majaliwa, made those remarks on Friday 18, 2022, at the Parliament in Dodoma.

Last week the Ngorongoro issue had stirred an intense debate in the parliament that Prime Minister decided to call a special seminar for MP’s to be educated on the matter since many had shown to be ill-informed over the situation during the contribution. 

> ACT speaks for the Maasai in Ngorongoro

> CCM MPs divided over the Ngorongoro Saga

Apart from the seminar, in one week, the Prime Minister had descended twice in Ngorongoro and spoke to residents of the park to see the way forward. Prime Minister admitted some residents to be willing to support the government in the park’s conservation.

“We are fully aware of the situation in Ngorongoro, the people, their lives and their properties, but they (Maasai) are too aware that the conservation of the park is important for the country”, – Said PM Kassim Majaliwa on February 18, 2022, at the Parliament in Dodoma. 

“The government shall compensate those who shall voluntarily vacate the park, and there shouldn’t be one restraining them from leaving. And those who not ready to leave will wait for further notice,” – affirmed the PM in his speech.