The ruling party CCM agrees to revive the country’s new constitution process

The ruling party CCM agrees to revive the country’s new constitution process

The CCM central committee meeting ended after two days in Dodoma at Chamwino State House. Chairperson of the revolutionary party, CCM led the meeting, who is also an incumbent President Tanzania, Samia Suluhu Hassan. 

CCM Ideology and publicity secretary Shaka Hamdu Shaka took the press to make brief statements on the resolutions of CCM’s executive committee’s meeting. 

Shaka said that CCM executive committee affirms its stance to uphold democratic values to protect and preserve the country’s peace, solidarity and unity. Shaka further added that he hopes for cooperation from all political parties in Tanzania to create a peaceful country that respects the values and principles of democracy.

Shaka finally made a statement that was undoubtedly unexpected to most oppositional parties. Shaka said that under President Samia Suluhu, Tanzania acknowledges the importance of having a new constitution that will reflect current needs and answer the challenges of our time. 

CCM party will revive the process of adopting a new Constitution. This means CCM is ready to continue with the constitutional reforms process initiated by President Kikwete in 2014 and met an unprecedented stalemate during President Magufuli’s reign. 

A fledging oppositional party, through its leader, Zitto Kabwe, expressed his feeling after CCM’s statement, “This is a big public commitment by the governing party ever given, it is also a clear message that engagement pays. This is a vindication for those who decided to engage the new President from the onset. We saw the future, and it works,” Zitto Tweeted.