Tourism: FOUR free amaizing historical sites to visit in Dar

Tourism:  FOUR free amaizing historical sites to visit in Dar

The meaning of tourism is to get out and visit a specific place either for learning or just relaxing. 

Everyone has a variety of attractions that they like to visit, there are animal lovers, there are those who love culture and traditions, there are those who love sea tourism and various forms of tourism. 

Travelling does not require you to travel long distances, as learning-oriented tourism can start in the environment around you first.

Dar es Salaam is a tourist destination mainly based on the traditions and customs of the people, all of which include colonialism, religion, ethnicity, the slave trade and so on. 

In Dar es Salaam there are places you can visit that carry history and excellent information, and the beauty of these places is that there is no entrance. 

You can choose the best time to visit without even being charged any money. And those places are as follows.

1. Azania Front Lutheran Cathedral 

You cannot name the old churches in Tanzania and leave this church. This church is under the Eastern and Coastal Anglican Diocese of Tanzania. 

This beautiful building was built between 1899 – 1902. This magnificent church is located on a harbour road just across the Indian Ocean where having electricity in the church will give you a beautiful view of the sea and the tall buildings in the post office. 

The word Azania comes from the Greek language meaning the East African Coast. Find a good weekend, visit this area, and when you arrive, you will find someone who will walk you without asking for anything, unless he asks you to donate to the church (offering), and this is your choice, but this historically rich area has no admission. 

After the first world war, Germany lost the battle and lost all its colonies to Britain and other European powers. 

Tanganyika and all German properties, including churches, were handled by Britain. For about 30 years, the church was placed under British Anglican rule, later restored by Lutherans, including schools and hospitals.

2. Uhuru mchanganyiko Primary School 

This school is located on Uhuru Street and Msimbazi Kariakoo. If you look at this school from the outside, you may think it is a very ordinary school, but it carries our nation’s great history. 

Icons, activists and freedom fighters went to this school, Bi. Titi Mohammed and the world’s leading Kiswahili philosopher and scholar Sheikh Shaaban Robert. Bi. Titi studied there from 1934 to 1938.

It is not yet known how long Shaaban Robert started there, but once you get there, you will be guided and given a great history of the school, including many celebrities who studied at the school. In those old days, Titi the school was called Kichwele, now Uhuru mchanganyiko. 

3. Old Boma 

Of all the ancient buildings built of coral, Old Boma is the oldest building in Dar es Salaam. The building was built by the Sultan of Zanzibar Majid bin Said in 1866. The building has a unique status. Its materials, such as doors, locks, and windows, are unique and attractive.

4. Pugu Secondary 

Mwalimu (Teacher) Nyerere got that name while teaching at this historical school. When you arrive at this school, you will find a lot of history of people who have done so much for our country. 

Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere taught there; President Benjamin Mkapa studied there (3rd President), retired Speaker Pius Msekwa studied there, Prof. Ibrahim Lipumba, Prof. Kitila Mkumbo, and the former Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda and many others. 

If you get to Pugu school, you have a glimpse of where our President and other prominent leaders have dined, where they spent most of their time and slept.