VICTORY: “Tanzania Political Parties Act 2019 must be amended”, the East African Court of Justice ruled. 

VICTORY: “Tanzania Political Parties Act 2019 must be amended”, the East African Court of Justice ruled. 

Today, the East African Court of Justice in Arusha has ruled that the political parties act amended by the Tanzanian Parliament in 2019 is contrary to the East African Treaty. The court has ruled that sections 3,4,5,15, and 29 of the Political Parties Act 2019, violate the Convention of East African Community Treaty; thus, they must be amended.

A coalition of political parties in Tanzania opened a joint case against the Attorney General that the Political Parties Act of 2019 contradicts the East African Community binding principles of good governance and human rights, thus making the 2019 amendments null and void. The EACJ ruled in favour of the political parties’ claims. 

However, each party have claimed to have opened the case first in 2019 before the other. ACT Wazalendo in their press release as they celebrate the victory attested to have opened the case in 2020 by the late Chair, Maalim Seif Sharif Hamad. On the other hand, the CHADEMA party, the main opposition, claims to have opened the case first through their incumbent Chair, Freeman Mbowe. 

Nevertheless, each party is currently bragging about the victory online, with each party flooding congratulatory greetings to their leaders for the victory.