Where is Ndugai? His disappearance is still a mystery. 

Where is Ndugai? His disappearance is still a mystery. 

The ruling party, CCM, has stated that they have no idea about Ndugai’s whereabouts. 

“As a secretary, I know many members, if you ask me about one member, then it is difficult for me to decipher, I urge you to ask his family,” – Daniel Chongolo responded to Raia Mwema reported when he was asked about Ndugai.

Ndugai submitted his resignation letter to Mr Chongolo, the party’s secretary, on January 6, 2022, after he publicly questioned President Samia’s external borrowing, a situation rendered to an intense intra-party squabble that forced him to resign and vanish out of political sight.

On January 12, 2022, a picture of him (Ndugai) standing with President Samia circulated across social media, a sign that the two have healed their recent rifts. Ndugai’s moment with president Samia is said to have been the last time he was spotted again in public.

Rashid Shangazi, a Mlalo MP in the Tanga region, also CCM MP’s Secretary, couldn’t tell about Ndugai’s disappearance and hung off the phone when reporters tried to reach him. 

From January 6, 2022, soon after Ndugai tendered his resignation, Ms Nenelwa Mwihambi, the Parliament’s Secretary, admitted to have not seen Ndugai attending the Parliamentary sessions. 

Special seats MP for Morogoro, Dr Christine Ishengoma, who chairs a committee Agriculture, water and livestock within the parliament where Ndugai serves as a permanent member (newly appointed), couldn’t tell exactly where her committee member is, instead assumed that Ndugai might be working around the country, in one ongoing projects executed by the government.