You will be amazed, here are 5 African countries with the best roads

You will be amazed, here are 5 African countries with the best roads

Africa is one of the fastest-growing continents in the world. The continent has been bedevilled with infrastructure projects, but some African countries are currently bent on developing by investing heavily in infrastructural projects.

Some infrastructural development includes roads.

The citizens know how essential roads are to access quality and important services such as health care, transportation, food, etc.

A Global Competitiveness Report index indicated that some countries have made a great effort to improve their economies in terms of infrastructure.

  • Namibia

According to the world’s economic Global Competitiveness Report index on the quality of roads, Namibia is the first country in Africa to have the best road network.

Namibia was ranked 23 out of 137 countries worldwide with an average score of 5.0 out of 7.

Namibia’s good roads result from the establishment of the Roads Authority. It was established in April 2000, and they have achieved a great deal of contributing to the country.

  • Rwanda

This is another African country with an excellent road network. The government does not only boast of having the cleanest environment. 

The country’s government has improved the transport infrastructure with aid from the European Union, China, JAPAN, and other bodies, and the country is ranked 31 with a score of 5.0.

  • South Africa

South Africa has one of the largest road networks in the world.

One of the longest roads is the N2, and it covers a distance of 2,255 kilometres (1,401 miles). The nation is ranked at 29 with a score of 5.0.

  • Morocco

The Kingdom of Morocco’s infrastructural development has put the nation on a higher pedestal than even beat countries such as Belgium and Italy. The government announced that it would invest in building new highways and expressways.

It was also going to give a face-lift to its rural roads. Morocco is ranked 55 and has a score of 4.4.

  • Kenya

Kenya has some of the best roads in East Africa, and one of the popular roads is the Thika Super Highway.

The country is still looking forward to updating the condition of its road network. The government is ranked 61 with a score of 4.2.