Zitto affirms his support to President Samia’s strategy to political reconciliation.

Zitto affirms his support to President Samia’s strategy to political reconciliation.

Zitto Kabwe, a prominent oppositional leader of ACT – Wazalendo, a fledging political party, took on Twitter to express his affirmation of President Samia Suluhu’s strategy to Tanzania’s political reconciliation.

Zitto’s statement comes a few days after President Samia released her statement upon celebrating The World’s Democracy Day on September 15, 2022. In her statement, president Samia highlighted huge optimism on Tanzania’s future democracy and the new constitution.

In his Twitter statement, Zitto revealed that his party saw President Samia’s genuine desire to improve Tanzania’s political space through her speeches in the parliament, her frequent meeting with oppositions in Dodoma, the establishment of a special task force, her meeting with TDC and her 4R’s strategy.

“We saw a genuine commitment in her as a leader to bring true changes to our country. We firmly extend our full support to her because we know she’s being encircled by conservationists; thus, we shall not discourage her but rather support her course.” Zitto said

Despite being abused, scolded and insulted for that, they never back down, Zitto added. The task force tasked to collect and coordinate political stakeholders’ opinions has already completed its survey and will soon be presented to President Samia Suluhu Hassan. Zitto said.

Zitto further concluded by urging other political parties to forget about the past, referring to the 2020 controversial elections, hold hands and collectively support President Samia’s course toward bringing true country’s legal and constitutional changes.