1.49tri/- channeled to improve health, education and roads infrastructure

1.49tri/- channeled to improve health, education and roads infrastructure

On March 19 2022, President Samia will mark her first year as the President of the United Republic of Tanzania since she took office on March 19 2022, after her predecessor’s unprecedented decease, the late President John Pombe Magufuli.

Despite setbacks in her maiden days as the President, she managed to stir the country back to track in a few months after undertaking minor reshuffles of cabinets, regional commissioners and district commissioners.

President Samia’s government allocated a chunk of 1.49 trillion Tsh in just a year. A lot of that had gone into education, health and road infrastructures.

Ahead of March 19 of the first anniversary, the Minister of State in President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG) Hon Innocent Basungwa rolled out insights on the achievements under President Samia and reiterated her relentless commitment to improve people’s lives by investing into long term projects.

Hon Bashungwa admitted his ministry to have had received 1.49 tri that was all allocated to improving hospitals, schools and road infrastructures.

In the first year of President Samia, a chunk of 662.32bn/- was poured into improving education, whereby a total of new 257 secondary schools were built and new 9 primary schools.

The funds were also channelled into constructing 18,219 classrooms for primary schools satellite secondary schools and the construction of 4,525 classrooms for primary and secondary schools.

Not only that, 1399 labs across schools in the country, 568 toilets for both primary and secondary schools and dormitories for both primary and secondary schools projects.

The money had also gone to construct 42 teachers residencies, six halls and four administration blocks for secondary schools and completion of old primary and secondary schools.

According to Hon Bashungwa, his ministry awaits to receive another 72.96bn/- between March to June 2022 for the construction of 300 classrooms for model pre-primary schools, 221 labs, another 3,468 classrooms for both primary and secondary schools, 20 dormitories for students with special needs and renovation of 346 primary school teachers centres.

Health Sector
Hon Bashungwa said his ministry had pocked in a chunk of 234.41bn/- for improving health services delivery across Tanzania.

288 health centres were built in one year, 28 new hospitals, 26 ICUs, and 80 emergency medical departments were constructed.

The funds assisted in building one epidemiology centre, 150 houses for health workers and procurement of medical equipment for 31 hospitals.

The funds completed the construction of 615 dispensaries 68 council hospitals, whose execution started in the 2018/19 financial year.

Hon Bashungwa said more are yet to come. His office awaits another 263.72bn/- between March – June 2022 to construct another 288 health centres, 28 new hospitals and complete 167 dispensaries.

The ministry shall purchase 195 ambulances, oxygen ventilation systems, digital radiation machines, and 212 vehicles and conduct short-term training for staff and temporary employees.

Roads Infrastructure
Under President Samia’s government, the government has invested 597bn/- on construction, maintenance, rehabilitation of district roads managed by the Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA).

Mr Bashungwa also revealed that the government had constructed 201 bridges and construction 123.05km of water drainage systems.

TAMISEMI expects to receive 430.88bn/- from March to June 2022 for the construction, maintenance and rehabilitation of district roads, including 257.20km of tarmac roads, 12,511.06km of gravel roads, 81 bridges, and maintenance of 2,945.08km long roads.