102-Year-old woman says avoiding gossip is the key to a long life

102-Year-old woman says avoiding gossip is the key to a long life

She made this intriguing remark during her birthday celebration, and this comment made her a national celebrity in the USA. Taken aback by all the attention, she said she was only doing what her mother had taught her since childhood.

My mother always told us it takes six months to tend to your business. And six months to leave other people’s business alone. Then the year is gone,” she added.

Belin also credits her faith in God as one of the keys to her long life. She avoids gossip and reads her Bible; this has helped her grow old gracefully. She reveals that she finishes reading the Bible every year, from Genesis to Revelations.

At 102 years of age, Belin says she gets a kick out of her life.

As with any lady, especially Ugandan ones, she goes to the salon every two weeks with former Darlington Mayor Gloria Hines, who has been her stylist for many years.

“I have wrinkles sometimes, but I have cream. I ordered that cream, and I can put it on me, like all of it. It takes it away,” she said, explaining how she keeps her skin glowing.

“God is still blessing me. He still answers my prayer.”

Belin starts and ends her day with a prayer of thanks.