5 interview questions to never ask, and 3 you should always ask

5 interview questions to never ask, and 3 you should always ask

Everyone hopes to be the best candidate for the job they are applying for. Your CV highlights everything the company wants, and sometimes you come from an interview thinking you nailed it, then oops.

The trick is to know exactly what to ask and what not to ask. You might be collecting points, and one wrong question could ruin everything.

  1. Never ask about salary rates or benefits during an interview.

Not that you don’t deserve to know, but that is the question to ask once you get the offer; otherwise, you sound more materialistic and only after the paycheck.

     2. Can I work from home?

You should demonstrate that you are a team player rather than working solo. Unless the job states that you can work from home, you should not ask that question.

     3. Never ask for anything related to the ‘P’ word.

Promotion should not be your focus at this moment. You seem to be arrogant and entitled. Let your work and talent earn you the promotion in the long run.

     4. Avoid questions whose answers are found online.

Asking questions about what the company does, their target customers, vision, and mission could make you lose the job. Do your research about the place and the position before the interview.

     5. Why do you want to hire me?

Are you out of your mind? They probably saw your application and thought you were a perfect fit for the job and want to prove so in person, so this should never be a question. 

Questions you should ask

  1. Are there training and progression within the role?

Such a question shows that you are interested and open to learning and improving your skills while working at the company.

     2. How has this job helped you grow as an individual?

The question shows that you are keen to know if you are at the right place for both career and personal growth.

     3. What are the company’s goals in the next five to 10 years?

The question will give you answers that will provide you with security and details on what you will be expected to do to work towards those goals.

Unless an employer gives hints on not asking questions, do not be tempted to ask them. But if you want to impress them, one or two questions are enough. It would be best to be confident while asking and straight to the point.