A new chapter as more families choose voluntary relocation from NCA.

A new chapter as more families  choose voluntary relocation from NCA.

Over the weekend, 25 households, comprising 172 residents and 213 livestock, bid farewell to Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) in Arusha. The send-off ceremony, held at the NCA offices in Karatu, celebrated their decision to relocate voluntarily to other parts of Simiyu and Arusha Regions.

NCA Conservation Commissioner Richard Kiiza, addressing the departing residents, urged them to serve as ambassadors for those contemplating a similar move. He highlighted the improved living conditions awaiting those who choose to leave NCA, emphasizing the newfound freedom to reside outside the reserve and engage in diverse social and economic activities.

Senior Assistant Commissioner Mdala Fedes provided insights into the relocation exercise, stating that NCA’s primary goals include both protecting the reserve and enhancing the quality of life for those willing to move. The destination options include Msomera Village in Tanga and other areas based on residents’ preferences.

Hamza Hamza, the Ngorongoro District Administrative Secretary, underscored the government’s commitment to educating citizens rather than depriving them of access to services. The focus is on helping residents understand the value of relocating to areas that can significantly improve their quality of life.

Expressing gratitude to the government for compensation, the voluntarily relocating residents see this move as an opportunity to enhance their overall quality of life. NCA, in collaboration with other stakeholders, continues to raise awareness about the significance and benefits of voluntary relocation. The authority emphasizes its commitment to relocating people in accordance with their will.