ACT rebukes government’s response on Russia-Ukraine crisis

ACT rebukes government’s response on Russia-Ukraine crisis

Tanzania’s fledging Political Party, ACT Wazalendo, had made a press release that calls for an immediate evacuation of Tanzanian citizens living in Ukraine amid ongoing Russia’s aggressive invasion into the former soviet state. 

ACT released the letter through its sectorial spokesperson for foreign affairs on 25 February 2022, decisively calling the government to take the moral responsibility of sending a flight into Ukraine to evacuate all Tanzanians back home.

Reports show that peace is swiftly deteriorating in Ukraine, whereas 137 people are reportedly dead and an untold number of casualties. 

ACT shows its displeasure with how Tanzania has responded to this crisis, indeed regarding Tanzanian students studying in Ukraine. Students studying in Tanzania were spotted helpless on social media. Tanzania’s Embassy in Sweden, which too serves in Ukraine, told the students to use their expenses to travel to Sweden for a safe sanctuary.

Tanzanian Embassy in Sweden, in the same statement, told parents in Tanzania with children studying in Ukraine to board passengers planes for their children to get their children out of the country. 

ACT calls the government’s response lame and irresponsible. The party expected the government to have had taken vigorous measures like sending a plane to pick them up or coordinating plans to ensure Tanzanians find refuge in peaceful regions bordering Poland. 

Nevertheless, ACT Wazalendo urges the government of Tanzania to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine and join hands with International Community in advocating peaceful talks to end the war than picking arms that would render devastating impacts on human lives.