Bishop Bagonza hails the level of freedom of expression in Tanzania

Bishop Bagonza hails the level of freedom of expression in Tanzania

Unprecedently, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) Karagwe Diocese Bishop Benson Bagonza, accoladed President Samia’s 1 year Presidency during his interview at the State House on 2 March 2022.

The clergyman is renowned for being a vocal critic of the government about constitutional issues, the rule of law and human rights. 

“This has been a very successful year for President Samia; I genuinely admit that the list of things she achieved is longer than the year itself.” – Said Bishop Boganza at his interview with Mwanahalisi (Watch here)

“President Samia is undoubtedly a good listener. And I believe that her ability to listen is huge beyond what said, and this is a good thing any leader should have,”- Added Bishop Bagonza.

The clergyman also acknowledged the high practice of the freedom of expression in the country, although admitted the presence of individuals haunted by the previous experience still afraid to express themselves. To put it mildly, Boganza is pleased that President Samia gave back people their voice.

“I know Kazi Iendelee is the President’s motto; I would love too to support Kazi Iendelee”, – Said Bagonza and subsequently left the message to President Samia.

The Message of Bishop Bagonza to President Samia during his interview

“First, for she’s a guardian of our citizen’s rights, she should keep on doing so in freedom of expression”. 

“Second, she opened our country to the world where we now receive investments, but she has to work on laws to safeguard investors’ capital”. 

“Third, private sectors have previously gone through a lot, urge President Samia to heal and work on those rifts”.