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Optimizing Tanzania’s Internet Space, Closing the Gap for a Thriving Financing Inclusion and Digital Economy.

Optimizing Tanzania’s Internet Space, Closing the Gap for a Thriving Financing Inclusion and Digital Economy.

As the world thrives in the digital age, Tanzania stands at a pivotal crossroads. The internet has revolutionized economies globally, and the nation has taken crucial steps towards a digital future. Electronic financial services like mobile money have surged in popularity, driving financial inclusion to a remarkable 76%, as revealed by the recent financial service...

BOT: Matumizi ya noti ya 10,000 yameongezeka kwa 75%, hii ina maana gani kwenye uchumi?

BOT: Matumizi ya noti ya 10,000 yameongezeka kwa 75%, hii ina maana gani kwenye uchumi?

Gavana wa Benki Kuu nchini Tanzania Emmanuel Tutuba amesema kwamba kuongezeka kwa matumizi ya noti ya Tsh 10,000 ni ishara ya kwamba uchumi unazidi kufunguka na biashara zinaongezeka. Gavana Tutuba amesema, matumizi ya noti ya Tsh 10,000 yameongezeka kwa asilimia 75 ndani ya miaka mitano. Takwimu za Benki Kuu Tanzania zinaonesha mzunguko wa noti ya...

Tanzania’s power cuts set to drop by 85% as Nyerere dam goes online.

Tanzania’s power cuts set to drop by 85% as Nyerere dam goes online.

In a significant stride towards resolving Tanzania’s longstanding power supply issues, the Julius Nyerere Hydropower Project (JNHPP) was inaugurated yesterday, marking a pivotal moment in the country’s energy landscape. With an initial injection of 235 megawatts into the national grid, and an additional 235 MW slated for March, the project promises to alleviate the nation’s...

DP World expands Kigali Logistics Platform: Unveiling State-of-the-Art warehouses for future-ready operations.

DP World expands Kigali Logistics Platform: Unveiling State-of-the-Art warehouses for future-ready operations.

In a strategic move reflecting their commitment to excellence and continual growth, Dubai Ports’ “Kigali Logistics Platform” in Masaka sector, Kicukiro district, inaugurated two spacious warehouses on December 6. The new facilities, covering 2500 and 3000 square meters, mark a significant expansion, bringing the total to twelve warehouses within the past four years. Various officials...

Tanzania’s Insurance Boom: Unpacking the data behind President Samia Suluhu’s strategic initiatives.

Tanzania’s Insurance Boom: Unpacking the data behind President Samia Suluhu’s strategic initiatives.

In a data-driven analysis of Tanzania’s insurance sector, the surge witnessed in recent times can be dissected through the lens of specific initiatives championed by President Samia Suluhu’s administration. Gross Written Premiums (GWP) Growth The standout metric showcasing the industry’s robust health is the Gross Written Premiums (GWP). From TZS 911.5 billion in 2021, the...

Tanzania’s Foreign Currency Situation Improves With Tourism, Exports, and Bank Measures.

Tanzania’s Foreign Currency Situation Improves With Tourism, Exports, and Bank Measures.

Tanzania’s foreign currency situation is expected to continue improving, thanks to various factors. Foreign exchange inflows from tourism, export crops, and minerals, along with measures implemented by the Bank of Tanzania (BoT) and the government, contribute to this positive trend. According to the latest statement from the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) released by the Central...

Tanzania’s current account deficit narrows to $4.02 billion in August on tourism earnings.

Tanzania’s current account deficit narrows to $4.02 billion in August on tourism earnings.

Tanzania’s current account deficit narrowed to $4.02 billion in August this year compared to $4.26 billion recorded during the preceding month of July, according to the Bank of Tanzania (BoT) Monthly Economic Review for September. “Notwithstanding the shocks, the current account balance has improved, attributed to heightened seasonal earnings from tourism activities,” the Central Bank...

Honorary Doctorate Conferred Upon President Samia Suluhu Hassan: Recognizing Reasons for the Prestigious Honor.

Honorary Doctorate Conferred Upon President Samia Suluhu Hassan: Recognizing Reasons for the Prestigious Honor.

On October 10, 2023, the renowned Jawaharlal Nehru University in India conferred an Honorary Doctorate (Doctorate Honoris Causa) upon the President of Tanzania, Samia Suluhu Hassan, making her the first woman to receive such an honour from the university. President Samia received this honorary doctorate almost a year after the University of Dar es Salaam...

President Samia’s Visit to Qatar Brings set to bring joy to Fruit and Vegetable Farmers in Tanzania.

President Samia’s Visit to Qatar Brings set to bring joy to Fruit and Vegetable Farmers in Tanzania.

The President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Samia Suluhu Hassan, attended the Doha International Horticulture Expo 2023 in Qatar, which is set to run from October 2, 2023, to March 28, 2024. This visit is part of President Samia Suluhu’s ongoing efforts to open up Tanzania to economic diplomacy, fostering opportunities for local producers...

The Growing Influence of Online Gambling on Tanzanian Youth and the Economy.

The Growing Influence of Online Gambling on Tanzanian Youth and the Economy.

In Tanzania’s vibrant streets and neighbourhoods, an increasing number of young people are pinning their hopes on striking it rich through virtual gambling. This aspiration has become more attainable than ever, thanks to the convenience of betting at one’s fingertips. In the palm of many Tanzanian hands, you’ll find a mobile phone device that makes...