Doubts Over an email from Chinese tennis star amidst her disappearance

Doubts Over an email from Chinese tennis star amidst her disappearance

Women’s Tennis Association (WTA) has cast doubts over an email released by media allegedly from Chinese Tennis star, Peng Shuai as nothing has been heard from her since making sexual assault allegations against a top government official.

The email stated that the sexual assault allegations were false and that she have “just been resting at home and everything is fine,” making the public and WTA members more worried about her safety.

“I have a hard time believing that Peng Shuai wrote the email we received or believes what is being attributed to her,” says WTA’s chairman, Steve Simon in a statement.

On Chinese social media Weibo, Ms. Peng wrote that she was forced into a sexual relationship with Chinese former Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli, a post which was later on deleted and she has not been seen or heard of in public ever since.

Simon said the world needed proof of Peng’s safety and that her sexual assault allegations must be investigated.

“The voices of women need to be heard and respected, not censored nor dictated to,” he added.