Kenya and Uganda among countries with the highest monthly salaries in Africa

Kenya and Uganda among countries with the highest monthly salaries in Africa

Salary explorer has released its statistics of the 10 highest paying African countries with two East African countries earning a seat at the feast.

On number four is the East African country, Kenya where workers earn an average of Ksh 147,000 a month, approximately $1,291 and number 10 goes to Uganda with an average monthly salary of UGX 2,620,000 ~ $738.

The African country with the highest monthly salary is Morocco. Workers earn an average of DH19,400, approximately $2,031.

Followed by South Africa, where the highest average monthly salary range from ZAR31,100, approximately $2,026.

Tunisia takes the third position on the continent as workers reported taking home an average salary of TND 3,910, which converts to $1,348.

Algerians earn about DZD180,000 monthly, which is approximately around $1,273.

ND17,400, which converts to $1,168, is the average salary for Namibians.

In Botswana, people earn an average of BWP11,700 ~ $1000 per month.

The eighth position goes to Nigeria. The average salary in Africa’s most populous and largest economy (by GDP) is N339,000 per month, which equals $814.

And lastly, in the 9th position is Ghana, with an approximately $747.99 salary average, which equals GHS5,070.