Labours rejoice to earn cash from VETA construction in Mkinga

Labours rejoice to earn cash from VETA construction in Mkinga

In the bid to tackle the crisis of unemployment in Tanzania, President Samia’s government has been strenuously seeking viable solutions to mitigate the surging problem facing many youths comprising over 60% of Tanzania’s population.

Responding to the problem, President Samia’s government has launched the program to build vocational training institutions (VETA) in different parts of the country. For instance, Mkinga district in Tanga region is one of the immediate beneficiaries of the program.

At Mkinga district, the government is building an institution of 17 classrooms whereby the centre expects to enrol the majority of youths from within the district to undertake various training courses that would pave way to their career development.

Most youths in Mkinga district praise the project. Also, women and men admit to having found relief in life since the project commenced as through the ongoing project, people got jobs that allow them to take good care of their families.

“I have achieved a lot by working on this project. It provides me income to develop my house. I’m also an entrepreneur; I sell bans and other small products, I grow my capital using salary from this job.” – Said Mwanahamisi, a Mkinga resident.

“I’m overwhelmed by happiness because this project has allowed me to buy a farm and iron sheets that hopefully I will start to build my house very soon”, Meshack George, an assistant mason at the project.

The project’s implementation aligns with President Samia’s directives that each project’s implementation should consider local content, i.e., recruiting labourers from local areas for them to benefit from the project.