Why breakups are more painful to men than women?

Why breakups are more painful to men than women?

For years, people have believed in an old stereotype that men invest less in relationships than women. According to the new study by psychologists, that hypothesis is utterly a lie. 

A study of relationship support looked at more than 184,000 people and found that males than females more commonly discussed the heartache theme. 

A study from Lancaster University shows that men in heterosexual relationships feel more pain than women following break-up and are more likely to discuss break-ups.

But why do men hurt so bad? Well, several research findings suggest.

An Irish article published in 2017 suggested that “emotionally, [men] often react badly to major life upheavals. Moreover, [men’s] methods of dealing with changed circumstances are not always helpful.”

Another reason for men’s suffering is the innate ego that limits them from accepting and facing the reality of what happened to them. 

“Males grew up with the ‘men don’t cry’ attitude, and while men may deal with things differently, it doesn’t mean they don’t feel the same pain and the same hurt as women,” says Elaine Hanlon

On the other hand, unlike men, women are more comfortable finding a shoulder to cry on and letting it all out. 

Women quickly get away with break-up pain because they do break-ups more times than men. Studies show that women are the initiators of breakups of marriages or relationships.

This means that women have more time to start processing the pain ahead. They begin to prepare early for the outcomes of splitting up from a partner. By the time they are done with that phase, the man may just be beginning his.