Makonda and Lemutuz Range Rover looting case postponed

Makonda and Lemutuz Range Rover looting case postponed

The Kisutu Resident Magistrate court has adjourned the case against former Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner Paul Makonda and William Malecela, famous as Lemutuz to November 23, this year.

The court decision comes after the State Attorney Wambeya who is defending Patrick Kamwele requested the court to be given 14 days to reply the counter oath with minor requests that was submitted yesterday from the second defendant.

Before the principal Magistrate Ramadhan Rugemalila posted the case, Advocated Gift Joshua who was representing  the second accused had no objection and they were ready to start hearing.

In other hand Artoney Gift has claimed that they have already saved today and asked the court to issue  a suitable order on behalf of the claimant so that they can respond to their minor request.

Currently Makonda and Lemutuz are charged with with looting Range Rover.

According to the charge sheet the businessman claims that he and Lemutuz were friends, he used his friendship to give Makonda his car to use it while serving as the Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner.

It is said Kamwele gave Makonda his car with the condition that he could use for two weeks and then return it to him, but it was different because the former RC did not return the car and he continued using it to date.

In the case Kamwele is demanding compensation of 240m/- for the inconveniences caused and the cost of using the car.

The case has been adjourned to November 23, 2022 where it come for hearing.