Mbowe opens up about his 227 days in prison

Mbowe opens up about his 227 days in prison

A few days have gone by since Freeman Mbowe was released from custody after controversial terrorism charges, economic sabotage and conspiracy against him were dropped by DPP.

Mr Mbowe, known to be a staunch critic of the government and chairman of the leading opposition party in Tanzania, had opened up about his 227 days behind prison cells. 

On March 6, 2022, Mr Mbowe took the podium at the Azania Front Lutheran in Dar es Salaam where he went to pay his sincere gratitude to the church’s clerics for their enormous support and prayers during his time behind cell walls for 227 days.

Mbowe revealed the number of visitors he had received while in prison had broken the record. “A flock of people came to pay me a visit, shocked even the prison officers”. – Said Mbowe

“There was a day that 214 people came to visit me; the prison had to allocate me a special room to attend all these folks one by one” – Mbowe added.

“From morning at 9 am – to 3 pm before returning to our cells, I used to meet a lot of people, one by one. I had to keep a record of every person who came to visit me; I have seen many tears and laughers, people cried with me, we also laughed together.” – Mbowe spoke.

Mbowe says his time in the prison was not a waste. He spent ample of it writing and reading books. 

“I spent my time reading books and writing. I never frowned, I always stayed happy because there were a lot of miracles consistently happening all around me. Imagine, people rented cars from Kigoma, Kyela and Kagera just to come to visit me”. – Mbowe spoke.

Mbowe said he never wanted charges against him to be withdrawn from court until the truth came out. He finished by saying what he’s doing is his call, he’s not doing it for money or fame. Mr Mbowe promised to talk more about his 227-day experience when the proper time arrives.